All the freedom, fun and friendship you could ever want.
When you enter a Freedom Aged Care community, you are welcomed into a supportive Freedom family rather than placed into a care institution or nursing home. Social connectedness is central to our service philosophy. We promise to honour your wishes related to promoting continuity of your lifestyle, choice, independence and freedom with care provided to you with love, decency, respect and kindness.
Independence at the forefront
Living independently for as long as you can, you remain in control of your environment, and we will be there to support you when you need it so you can enjoy and live your life to the fullest. This includes social support such as activities, outings, happy hour, men’s sheds, gardens, and community engagement. While some may be hesitant to leave their family home, Freedom’s community atmosphere increases social engagement and improves overall quality of life and wellbeing for our residents. The hub and heart of Freedom is a vibrant social centre that is more like a small, bustling town, where you have your own private home, your own little retreat where you can come and go as you please. You have independence to live your own life within your community, surrounded by friends and activity, while getting care and assistance when you need it.
Happiness is a way of life
One look at our activities calendar will tell you that there’s always something happening – in and out of the community at Freedom. From morning to early evening, Freedom is a thriving social community. Be sure to check out the Freedom noticeboard or newsletter at your community for the latest activities and entertainments to choose from. Book a cut or colour with our visiting hairdressers, take a bus ride, catch up for a cuppa or coldie at Wrinkles Café & Bar, or simply potter about in the garden, stay in and sample the ever-changing menu of fresh, nutritious meals in the Freedom dining room. It’s up to you. No matter what you fancy, there’s something for you to enjoy at Freedom.